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BrightHire transforms the quality of hiring — by helping people run better interviews, and helping teams hire faster with less bias.

Get Started with SmartRecruiters Request BrightHire Integration

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BrightHire is the leading Interview Intelligence platform. Our AI-driven platform saves hiring teams time and improves the quality of your interview process.

When you integrate BrightHire with SmartRecruiters, your hiring teams gain the ability to save time on interview planning, conduct more efficient, effective interviews, and make better hiring decisions faster, all in one unified workflow. 

BrightHire equips hiring teams with an AI copilot to thoughtfully craft inclusive job descriptions and robust structured interview plans in minutes. We record, transcribe, and write AI-powered interview notes, freeing interviewers to focus on candidates and improving the quality and compliance of interview notes. And we provide tools to make great hiring decisions faster, like real-time candidate scoring and AI-powered candidate interview highlights. 

We’re built on top of the tools you already use and love, like SmartRecruiters and your video conferencing platform, so it’s easier than ever for hiring teams to stay in their flow of work.

Integration details

To integrate BrightHire and SmartRecruiters, click the "Request BrightHire Integration" button to get started.



Live Interview Guides

Get in-the-moment interview prompts that guide you through the right questions to ask.

AI-Powered Interview Notes

Let AI handle the note-taking for you, so you can focus 100% on candidates and save hours on providing quality feedback. 

AI-powered Candidate Highlights

Get automated highlights of key candidate moments that you can share and compare across candidates for better decision making.

Personalized Coaching and Training

Continuously level up your interview skills with AI-powered coaching and training.



We help you stay in your workflow with seamless integrations for SmartRecruiters and other platforms you already use and love, like video conferencing systems, collaboration tools, and more.


  • Thomas Evangelista image

    Thomas Evangelista
    Head of Global Business Recruiting at Rippling

    BrightHire has helped us take a our recruitment to a new level.
  • Brian Malkerson image

    Brian Malkerson
    CRO at Attentive

    BrightHire has been invaluable for scaling our sales team with consistent quality hires.
  • Kevin Yien image

    Kevin Yien
    Head of Product at Mutiny

    BrightHire helps me make sure we’re making the right hiring decisions.