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The Employer Brand Activation Platform Driven By Analytics. On-brand corporate & employee-generated content at scale.

Get Started with SmartRecruiters Request CLIQUIFY Integration

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Elevate Your Recruitment Marketing with Seamless Integration

Unlock the full potential of your recruitment marketing efforts with the powerful integration between Cliquify and SmartRecruiters. This seamless connection enables you to effortlessly sync your Applicant Tracking System (ATS) and leverage all your job content to create compelling marketing materials that engages top quality candidates.

Key Benefits:

  • Streamlined Job Content Management: Automatically pull job listings from SmartRecruiters into Cliquify, ensuring your marketing materials are always up-to-date and accurate.
  • Enhanced Candidate Engagement: Create engaging, visually appealing content that highlights your job openings, company culture, and brand values.
  • Increased Efficiency: Save time and resources by centralizing your recruitment marketing efforts and eliminating the need for manual updates.
  • Data-Driven Insights: Utilize comprehensive analytics to track the performance of your marketing campaigns and optimize them for better results.

Transform your hiring process with the Cliquify and SmartRecruiters integration, and attract top talent with ease.

Integration details

User Sign In:
1. Sign in to Cliquify, navigates to Integration page, select SmartRecruiters integration

Sign in to SmartRecruiters and Grant permissions:
2. Browser redirected to sign in to Smart Recruiters account to register an app within Cliquify. After successful login, User grants Smartrecruiters the requested permission to Cliquify access to specific job-related data. Re-routed back to Cliquify after successful registration, access. 



Graphic and Video Editor

Editor to create on brand graphic and videos 

Digital Asset Library

Create folders, and organize enterprise wide digital assets.

Brand controls

Create multiple brand kits, set brand controls to stay brand aligned


Measure insights and impacts, data-driven. 



  • Rebecca Smith image

    Rebecca Smith
    Vice President Talent Acquisition, MGM Resorts

    Cliquify is our go to recruitment marketing partner. They are changing the game!