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Get Started with SmartRecruiters Request Cognisess Integration

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 We provide solutions to any people based challenge. Using a powerful  combination of neuroscience, psychology and machine learning, we deliver data driven insights to get the very best out of your people.
We measure what really matters.

Integration details

This integration facilitates a seamless hiring flow leveraging Cognisess cognitive, skills, and behavioural assessments for the Skills Assessment stage of the Smart Recruiters hiring processes. Users can easily assign a Cognisess assessment package to a candidate manually, or automatically assign as part of a pre-configured hiring flow, to facilitate centralised candidate management without the need to navigate away from Smart Recruiters.

As part of the Cognisess assessment package configuration, you can select the profiler to be used for score generation, and if required define auto-processing thresholds to determine a candidates Pass / On Hold / Fail status. These details can all be seamlessly returned to Smart Recruiters for centralised management within the Smart Recruiters hiring flow. 



Complete end-to-end Talent Acqusition solution

We provide a complete end-to-end solution for optimizing new talent. We can help you:

  • Attract the best people
  • Define the optimum skills and attributes for any new role
  • Fully assess all your candidates for the right skills and attributes
  • Ensure you have the right person for each job
  • Make sure new talent wants to stay
  • Make sure new talent fits into existing teams and culture
  • Remove bias from your selection process

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  • Francesca Paulley image

    Francesca Paulley
    Global Talent Manager at IHG

    IHG Hotels: Partnering with Cognisess to Drive Positive Change and Unlock Potential
    At IHG Hotels & Resorts, the success of their business is all about their people. With around 340,000 colleagues working across over 100 countries, they are committed to driving positive change for their people, communities, and the planet. That's why they've partnered with Cognisess –a leading provider of human-centric tech solutions for enabling talent potential and driving job satisfaction for all.
    Francesca Paulley, Global Talent Manager at IHG, highlights the value of Cognisess: “We now know so much more about our people and can action plan more effectively on the back of these key analytics”.
    Here are some of the ways IHG is leveraging the power of Cognisess to drive positive change:
    My Talent Programme
    IHG conducts a yearly internal survey program called My Talent, where over 8,000 employees across 350 hotels are reviewed using the Cognisess platform. The data-driven insights help to support colleague performance, internal mobility, and retention. By leveraging technology, IHG can analyse colleague data and make informed decisions on talent management, including career development and training opportunities.
    IHG Journey to Tomorrow - Skills Academy
    As part of IHG's commitment to driving positive change, they've created a Skills Academy - a virtual learning platform that provides free online education, courses and opportunities for people looking to build their confidence, become employment ready, and explore a career in hospitality. Cognisess has been working closely with IHG to set up the academy and provide assessments that help trainees understand their potential and future career paths; based on cognitive games, behavioural analysis, and Natural Language Skills AI.
    All IHG Skills Academy registered users are given a lifelong access to Yondur, the consumer-friendly version of the Cognisess platform. This allows them to access any of the Cognisess self-discovery assessments for free, for as long as they access the platform, with no strings attached. An initiative that will help IHG to create opportunities for people from all backgrounds and promote social mobility.
    IHG Future Leaders Program
    The IHG Future Leaders Program is an award-winning talent management program that fast tracks the next generation of industry leaders. It blends soft skill development, technical training, and leadership development. Cognisess provides hard and soft skills assessments for this program, enabling IHG to identify and nurture the talent that will drive their business forward.
    In Conclusion The partnership between IHG and Cognisess is a great example of how technology can be used to drive positive change and unlock the potential of people. By leveraging the power of data, IHG is able to make informed decisions on talent management, career development, and training opportunities. We're proud to be a part of IHG’s inspiring and world leading initiatives and look forward to seeing the positive impact our partnership will continue to have on IHG's people, communities, and the planet. Stay tuned for our upcoming case study report on IHG's Skills Academy initiative.