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Workforce planning software TA leaders use to turbocharge their teams performance from reactive to proactive

Get Started with SmartRecruiters Request Foresight Integration

header Foresight image


Foresight provides their TA leaders with an accurate demand plan for the next 3,6,9,12,36 months. With this data they drive more direct sourcing, drive down TT, slash CPH and drive up HM satisfaction. This data is the quickest way to increase credibility with your C-Suite. 'Singlehandley the best investment i've ever made' - Chris Rowe TA Leader in Healthcare

Integration details

Full integration. Switch it on and within 2 weeks you'll have your wfp solution



Demand Planning

How would your team react to you providing them every role they'll recruit for the next 1-3 yrs? Finally they'll be able to drive a recruitment delivery service that will get you noticed.

Flight Risk Profiling

Imagine if you knew every flight risk in your org to help retain critical talent. It's no use building the greatest TA team in the world if you're losing talent just as fast. We'll our flight risk profiling helps you do just that.

Succession Planning

With our succession planning feature, our customers are given laser focussed detail on all succession gaps with in an organisation. Removing this risk will see your credibility go through the roof.

L&D Skills gap analysis

Our customers use this feature to identify where they have skills gaps and how they can move towards a skills based hiring strategy and the workforce of the future.



  • Dan Fitzpatrick image

    Dan Fitzpatrick
    Global Head of TA

    Game Changing innovation at its best
  • Chris Rowe image

    Chris Rowe
    Head of Talent Acquisition

    Singlehandley the best investment i've ever made
  • Elif Guertiken image

    Elif Guertiken
    TA Director - Vodafone

    Think about what you can achieve by adopting this mindset. It’s easier than you think. The results and strategic conversations that can be had off the back of this are incredible
  • Viv Pearsons image

    Viv Pearsons
    Head of TA

    The TA team now feels super-human
  • Matt Doyle image

    Matt Doyle
    Head of TA

    I'm bloody loving Foresight