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Reejig is the leading global provider of workforce intelligence solutions. Using audited Ethical Talent AI, Reejig helps organizations manage their talent more effectively and create a world with Zero Wasted Potential™ in people, business, and society.

Get Started with SmartRecruiters Request Reejig Integration

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Reejig is the leading global provider of workforce intelligence solutions. Using audited Ethical Talent AI, Reejig helps organizations manage their talent more effectively and create a world with Zero Wasted Potential™ in people, business, and society.

Reejig integrates with your existing tech stack including your ATS such as SmartRecruiters, CRM, HRIS, and LMS, aggregating the data and enriching it with publicly available data to build a full skills ontology of your employee population. This living, breathing data set becomes your central nervous system for all talent decisions — a workforce intelligence platform — that allows you to:

- Find talent and mobilize your people to opportunities
- Reskill and upskill based on business objectives, and
- Retain your talent by providing meaningful internal career paths for personal growth.

The end result is what we call Zero Wasted Potential, the holy grail for any business trying to achieve the highest ROI on their most important asset — their people.

Reejig powers three distinctly personalized experiences for your workforce:
1. HR team experience: With 100% visibility of skills across the workforce, your talent teams can proactively increase internal mobility, find critical talent, and pivot your workforce to where you need them.
2. Leader experience: Access unparalleled skills intelligence across your people so you can design meaningful careers for everyone in your team and unlock opportunities for growth and development cross-functionally.
3. Employee experience: Help employees self-navigate their careers with personalized career pathways tailored to their skillset that showcase what’s possible and what learning experiences they can take to get them there.

Specifically for your HR teams, Reejig supports:
- Talent acquisition teams get 100% visibility across their entire internal and external talent ecosystem, enabling them to build talent shortlists with high-quality, diverse candidates in seconds, not hours. 
- Talent management teams get the full picture of their organization’s skills and talent, enabling them to build talent management and succession plans at scale and engage people with personalized pathways to advance their careers.
- Learning and development teams gain visibility into the organization’s skill gaps, and build the right learning programs for the business.
- Workforce strategy teams can shape workforce strategy with actionable workforce insights.
- Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging teams can reduce bias in recruiting in talent management processes, proactively engage talent from under-represented groups and track progress to diversity goals.

Integration details

The benefits of integrating Reejig with SmartRecruiters include:
- A complete control of data access - When customers integrate with SmartRecruiters and Reejig, they are in the driver’s seat when it comes to granting access to data. 
- Up-to-date data retrieval - Once integrated, Reejig will be able to securely retrieve customer data and provide instant insights about a customer’s workforce via our Reejig Workforce Intelligence platform.
- Supporting your hiring workflow - Through this integration, customers not only see their latest data within Reejig, they can also push data back to the ATS.
