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Spark Hire

Make better hires in a fraction of the time with Spark Hire's easy-to-use video interviewing solution.

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Trusted by more customers (4,000+) than any other provider, Spark Hire offers an easy-to-use video interviewing platform with cost-effective pricing plans (no contracts and no setup fees) which makes it simple for you to get started and reap the benefits.

Spark Hire is built for organizations of all sizes. Whether your organization is a Fortune 100 company or a small startup, Spark Hire can help. From the beginning, our mission has been to help as many organizations, big and small, adopt video interviewing as possible.

How we can help you:

  •  Eliminate the phone screen
  •  Gain more insight on candidates earlier in the process
  •  Improve collaboration between recruiters and hiring managers
  •  Make better decisions about which candidates advance in your hiring process

How it works:

Candidates record video responses (selfie-style) to your interview questions on their own time. Watch these pre-recorded video interviews at your convenience and share them with hiring managers to make better and more collaborative decisions in a fraction of the time.

Integration details

What are key benefits:

  • Invite candidates to video interviews directly from SmartRecruiters
  • Save the video interview results to the candidate profile in SmartRecruiters
  • Easily watch or share the video interview from SmartRecruiters
Sign up in 2 minutes with no contracts or setup fees by selecting a plan on

Request a live demo from a Spark Hire product expert at
