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The Martec

Improve the Job Descriptions in your SmartRecruiters database at scale  – with AI. Stand out in your hiring jungle.

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AI-Powered Job Descriptions For SmartRecruiters | The Martec

Used by talent teams at brands such as Marriott, Sainsbury’s, IBM, Workday and Vodafone, The Martec is the world’s leading end-to-end AI-powered content and advocacy platform for hiring and retention at enterprise scale. Target critical talent by creating content (employee videos, written articles, social posts, job descriptions), growing your employee advocacy program, personalizing your career site, and arming your recruiters. All accelerated with AI. It’s time to stand out in your diverse hiring jungle.

Integration details

Easily create and distribute Job Descriptions from SmartRecruiters with AI personalization and scale.

A simple, fast way to materially impact your hiring.

Create Job Descriptions:
  • On brand, your voice, consistently formatted, and best practice
  • With language is personalized to target talent

Distribute Job Descriptions:
  • Add employee videos next to your Job Descriptions
  • Find your best employees to share them on social

We recently helped Sainsbury’s create 1,426 Job Descriptions in minutes! Saving them big on agency spend and time. See attached for the video.

Stand out in your diverse hiring jungle with the world’s top AI-powered content and advocacy platform: The Martec.
To learn more click ‘Request The Martec Integration’ today
